Previously we reported about the possibility of adding a photo of a manager at our Smartix electronic queue. The employee’s image is displayed at the ticket kiosks if the administrator has enabled the option of personal manager selection for clients in the back office.

At the moment we have improved the functionality — now in the back office you can choose one of several scenarios of customer interaction with the manager selection menu at the ticket kiosks.
The system owner can flexibly customize the scenario of customer interaction with the ticket kiosks when choosing a manager for a particular branch or for a specific ticket kiosks. You can make optional or mandatory the manager selection. If optional, the client decides for himself whether to choose the employee he likes or go to a random manager.
If display all managers, even those who are not at workplace today, the client will be able to pre-register with a personal employee for the next day.

Based on the selected option in the back office, the ticket kiosk asks you to select a manager or allows you to skip the list of managers and go to the ticket dispense directly.

Our Smartix electronic queue continues to receive functional updates to provide the best experience for customers and end users. We are always ready for further customization and expansion of the complex in favor of our existing and potential customers.