We have improved the functionality of our Smartix electronic queue to automate the processing of customer requests in several scenarios. Now the system automatically reacts appropriately to the situation when, for some reason, the client was not called by employees, as well as when the client was called, but did not come to the operator’s workplace. Let’s take a closer look at each scenario and the updated queue operations.
The customer was not called by the employee
For an unknown reason, the employee left the workplace and did not call the clients registered in the queue and assigned to him. Orders begin to accumulate and freeze in the system. Previously, in order to resolve the situation, other employees were forced to accept the service again after some time, and then refuse these requests.

Now the system itself tracks such records. If the client has been in the queue for more than a day, the system transfers the applications to a special canceled status. Erroneously unserved clients are eliminated from statistics.

In future versions, it is planned to be able to rely on service standards — instead of freezing an application for a standard day, it will be possible to determine the time of transfer to rejection status. Average service time, for example 20 minutes multiplied by 5, equals 100 minutes. After 100 minutes, the application is transferred to the canceled status.
The client was called and did not come
The employee called the client on request, but the person did not come up to the workplace. This happens, for example, at the end of the working day, when the client did not wait and left. The manager closes the browser with the e-queue web application, but the service process data is kept in the database because the service process has not been terminated.
This scenario leads to erroneous data and does not allow determining the real KPI of the employee and the entire department. Our system tracks the average service time, inactivity, breaks for each employee and the entire branch. Incomplete maintenance has a big impact on the total rates.
Now our e-queue finds such records and automatically removes them, thereby eliminating the human factor in the process of work, and improving the quality of generated reports.

As a result of improvements, manual actions are no longer required to process unprocessed requests. Also, now various situations related to denial of service or erroneous actions of personnel that create events in the system are automatically transferred to a separate status and do not affect the KPI of employees and branches. In the next releases of the Smartix electronic queue, we are ready to implement new opportunities based on feedback from our existing and potential customers.