Advantages of the Smartix e-queue in the cloud format

Six months ago Smartix launched its own electronic queue system. During the usage, in addition to large customers dozens of small companies have connected to the system, including because of the built-in wide functionality and also because of provision of software in the cloud, which means ease of launch, no need for local infrastructure, configuration and administration of the solution.

Smartix e-queue is a responsive, web-based application that does not require installation of client programs and can be opened on any device (PC, tablet, smartphone) that supports browser. Solution takes into account all requirements for modern systems, effectively solves the problems of managing customer flows in various business areas.

Software complex includes:

  • Ticketing kiosks management system for receiving tickets
  • Electronic displays for displaying information about the e-queue
  • Front office (operator’s workplaces) for processing customer requests within the electronic queue system
  • Back office for managing all devices, establishing branches, employees and defining the types of queues which hey process

Smartix electronic queue basically meets all the needs of customers for systems of such class:

  • Ticketing kiosks for receiving queue tickets can be supplied with feedback forms, an assessment system of the service quality, any information services (location maps, reference information, etc.).
  • For ticketing kiosks the VIP-client functionality has been implemented — after authorization at the kiosk by phone number VIP-client receives ticket with priority in the queue.
  • Electronic displays can be independently stylized by the customer (convenient loading of logos, selection of background and corporate colors), can support banners. It is possible to display both queue for the bank and the readiness process for the fast food restaurant.
  • Ability of employees to use the operator’s workplace on a PC or mobile devices allows employees to simultaneously work with the queue and freely move around the location, advising clients.
  • Complex already includes a system of online monitoring and statistics of customer service, customizable report information. Operational status and its duration, efficiency in the context of the selected period of time are available online for each employee.

Customers are additionally offered the Smartix speech synthesis service for deploying a voice assistant. To create sound files, the Google Speech-to-Text speech recognition service is used, which allows to receive voice messages generated on the basis of a third-party mp3 voice platform in real time or pre-create a cache from sound files. As a result, the customer receives a modern, flexible and inexpensive voice system.

Smartix offers one of the most modern and functional customer flow automation solutions on the market. Provision of an electronic queue in a cloud format makes the complex accessible for small companies that require only one ticketing kiosk, one electronic display and from two operator’s workplaces.

For large customers, it is proposed to launch a queue on its own single server — the system allows servicing up to 50 000 customers per day, which ensures full compliance of the Smartix electronic queue with the requirements of large companies. It is possible to test the system in several locations based on cloud software before purchasing a license. At the same time, Smartix specialists are always ready for further customization and expansion of the complex in the interests of existing and potential customers.