New e-queue ticket statuses in Smartix electronic queue system

In the process of customer service our clients often face the need for more flexible interaction with customers, depending on the business area and the specifics of the service.

One of such examples is the need to pause the service process. This happens in medical clinics, for example, when setting up a dropper, when a person is injected with a solution and while he waits for the end of the procedure, doctor continues to receive the following patients. In this case, each client with a dropper is put into pause mode until the end of the procedure.

A similar situation arises in retail, when employee may need to wait for documents or some action from other colleagues or departments in the process of consulting a client, purchasing or delivering goods.

To solve this problem, we added a service pause button to employee interface. When activated, client is transferred to the “paused” status.

When the required action is completed, issue is resolved and documents are received, the employee opens the list of suspended coupons, selects the one belonging to the client and starts its service again.

We’ve also added the ability to delay service. Client may not be in time for the appointed time, in this case system uses several appointment attempts for service. When queuing, there is a special counter, which will recall the client to the service location or to manager’s workplace.

Supported flexible setting of the number of repeated invitations and timeouts between them. As a result, e-queue ticket is not closed but transferred to the front of the queue. All statuses for each client are available for tracking online in the system back office.

Our specialists continue to develop Smartix electronic queue system for automation of customer flows. We primarily focus on all aspects of complex operation’s for providing existing and potential customers with one of the best and most thoughtful solutions on the market. We are ready for flexible adaptation and expansion of functionality at request.